Our Team

Wade Smith FIPA
The principal of the practice is Wade Smith. Wade’s parents, Murray & Dianne Smith, established Arthur M Smith & Associates in February 1983, initially working from their home office. Since then the business has grown to employ several staff and operates from our current premises in Musgrave Street.
Wade is a qualified Accountant, member of the IPA, and has over 20 years experience in the profession. Wade offers expertise in all areas of taxation strategies, business structures, growth and succession. Wade is readily accessible to his clients and has a way explaining information in an easy to understand manner.

Kathy Briskey JP QUAL
Kathy is a Tax Consultant and Bookkeeper who joined the firm in July 2009 when Arthur M Smith & Associates purchased the accounting practice of WM K Walker and Associates. She brought 27 years of practical experience with her and is a JP(Qual).
Kathy’s experience provides an outstanding foundation that enables efficient preparation of tax returns for individuals, partnerships, trusts and companies. Kathy has a very thorough understanding of GST and income tax as well as ATO policies and procedures.
Kathy can assist clients with all aspects of bookkeeping including BAS, PAYG, Payroll, Superannuation, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and End of Month Account Preparation.
With Kathy’s professional and life experience, she has amassed a diverse range of bookkeeping and taxation clients from several industries including primary production, transport, hospitality, retail, and construction.
Kathy values client relationships. She works closely with her clients to gain a full appreciation and understanding of their bookkeeping and taxation needs.

Chantal Smith B BUS
Chantal has a Bachelor of Business Degree from Central Queensland University, with an Accounting Major.
Chantal’s main role is to manage the administration area and maintain client records. Her position also involves data entry and assisting the accountants.
Chantal always strives for superior client service. Whether you are visiting our office, calling by phone or writing, Chantal will ensure you are looked after in a polite, friendly and professional manner.

Dawn Olsen JP QUAL
Dawn is our welcoming face who greets you as you enter our office. You will also hear her friendly voice at the end of the line upon phoning us.
With over 10 years experience in Administration, Dawn takes great pride in her role. Dawn always ensures she puts in every effort into assisting our valued clients.